RSVP for WELLSPRINGS WOMEN’S Fellowship Breakfast
Saturday, december 14, 2024, 9am-NOON
LePeep Intech Commons . 6335 Intech Commons Dr. Indianapolis
"TO: TSC Women
Christmas can be a painful time of year for the homeless. Fortunately, the Wheeler Mission Shelter for Women opened the opportunity for TSC Women's Ministry to donate Christmas gifts for the women. In December, 2023, it was an exciting and rewarding experience as we met and each filled our bags with various items to share with the women there!
We invite you to again join us in this most important effort to be a blessing in providing meaningful gifts to the homeless women at Wheeler Mission. The total amount of gift purchases should again be between $10-$12. Gift items should be able to fit into a 2-gallon size (13”x15”) zip-lock bag.
Items allowed: Toiletries -- Lotion; deodorant, vaseline, lip balm, toothpaste, tooth brush; bath soap, hair conditioner/shampoo, hand warmers, gloves, footies, wash cloths, bath towels
Items NOT allowed: Sharp items, scissors, fingernail files, cash or gift cards, or food
We are again so excited to have this opportunity and hope you will begin to gather the items to be a blessing to the women at the Shelter! As you do so, set aside time to pray over the items and the woman who will receive them. The very best gift that each of us can give is to help someone in need! What a powerful way to "ENGAGE THE WORLD!"
Pastor Carol
[RSVP below by Sunday, December 8, 2024 to confirm headcount]
Note: Each person responsible for their own meal.