As we prayerfully and cautiously walk through this present pandemic, we all understand the importance of following the guidelines and protocols of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), as well as our state and local authorities.
We have prepared our church facility for your safety, using all of the prescribed precautions from the CDC.
Before entering sanctuary - read and answer four (4) critical questions
Before allowing anyone to enter the sanctuary for service, the following questions must be answered as “No”:
Has anyone in your home tested positive for COVID-19 and is actively under quarantine?
Is everyone in your home free of COVID-19-related symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting and diarrhea?
Has anyone in your home had a fever? Has he or she been fever free for at least three days/72 hours without being given fever-reducing medications?
If anyone in your home has had an illness or symptoms, have their symptoms improved and has it been at least 10 days since their symptoms first appeared?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, we would ask that you not attend service for 10-14 days and/or when symptoms have diminished.
All attendees must comply with these service protocols
Allow temp to be taken (no more than 100.4)
Sanitize your hands before entering sanctuary (sanitizer in lobby)
Wear mask during service & while in church facility
Masks provided for those without one.
No mask required for children under age 4
Sit only in designated seating with green tape. Exception: families who live in same household
Follow arrows on floor once inside sanctuary. Both outside aisles are designated for entry to seating. Middle aisle ONLY used for exiting the sanctuary.
No hand-shaking (arm bumping permitted)
No hugging or embracing
Restrooms: Limited use of restrooms due to social distancing. Strongly encourage using restroom before leaving home. Adults must accompany children to restrooms.
Offering: We are encouraging electronic giving using your smartphone or tablet (text GIVE to (317) 350-0046), however, an offering basket with envelopes will be positioned in the lobby for those desiring to give with cash or check. Feel free to give as you exit after benediction. You can always give online from our website:
Attendance: As we move through this initial reopening phase, we have been urged to take attendance at each service to monitor progress and keep attendees posted of possible changes from week to week. A weekly printed roster of our members will be available for quick check-in. Visitors will complete a visitor card with their name, telephone and email address.
Dismissal: At conclusion of service, our usher will dismiss row by row (beginning with the back rows). It is important that we continue observing social distancing by taking your after service fellowship to the parking lot.
Disclaimer: May it be understood that all who choose to worship with us is doing so understanding the risk that we all face daily when away from the safety of our homes. Persons are not required to attend our services, and only do so at will.