As we move into Day 13 of our 14 Days of Consecration, the Word is POWER! In Acts chapter 1, Jesus commanded his disciples to assemble in one place to receive Power for the work ahead. Through their obedience, they assembled and the Power came in ways beyond their imagination. The power they received was accompanied with signs, wonders, and miracles. What appeared impossible before, now became possible through their faith in the power to accomplish the task ahead. You’re invited to join us for POWER SATURDAY! Pastor A. Thomas Hill
January 20, 2024 is Power Saturday! The day will flow as follows:
6:30am Prayerline followed by a Wake Up Word with Pastor Hill. Dial in: (425) 585-7215
8:00am Zoom call with Bishop Joseph Garlington (Pittsburgh). Zoom Link
1:00pm Meet at the new church property (3425 Boulevard Place) for a Walkthru and time of Prayer in the sanctuary with those who are standing with us in faith for the “Glory Move”.