Other Upcoming Events : November & December
November, 2022
Dear Church Family & Friends,
As we progress toward the wrap of another year, we prayerfully do so with intentionality and not as an afterthought once we enter the new year. Mom Wanda Bragg prompted something within me during the October Pastor’s Appreciation week that I just couldn’t shake. As she spoke blessings over me and Pastor Carol, she released the “finisher’s anointing” over our lives, declaring a strong finish as we countdown 2022. Pastor Carol and I so desire to see the same for each of you as well. As the oil flows from the head, it trickles down over the body and anoints the whole.
As we lay claim to the prophetic Word spoken by Pastor Barbara Garlington this past May over both houses of The Streams Church and New Wineskin Ministries, we prepare for manifestation of the impartation of “creative miracles” over the seven months declared that concludes December 2022!
We have sensed the leading of Holy Spirit to call a 5-day Fast & Prayer time with the theme “The Finisher’s Anointing”. We will finish this year strong with the expectation of the prophetic word, and wise and prayerful preparation for what is to come, culminating with a “Streams of Worship Weekend” led by guest psalmist and worship workshop presenter, Jacqueline Dade of Columbus, Ohio. The Holy Spirit showed me a picture of Jacob’s dream of a stairway connecting from heaven to earth with angels descending and ascending. An open portal (gateway) awaits us, welcoming what God has prepared for us in heaven to be realized in the earthly. Jacob describes his experience in this way:
“Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.” And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!” (Genesis 28:16-17 NKJV).
We invite you wake with us and join us for this awesome week of preparation, impartation, and manifestation.
Monday-Friday, Nov 28-Dec 2: Prayer & Fasting with a daily focus on “The Finisher’s Anointing to Finish Strong in 2022”.
A 5-day downloadable prayer journal will be provided online with “5 Steps to Help You Focus and Finish Strong”. The Fast will end at 4pm Friday, December 2. Prayer will be hosted each morning at 6:30am from our Prayer Line (425-585-5215). Sanctuary prayer will be held Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:45pm.
Friday-Saturday, Dec 2&3: Streams of Worship Weekend will be the next event in the sanctuary with Psalmist & Worship Workshop Presenter, Jacqueline Dade of Columbus, Ohio. Worship weekend begins Friday @ 6:45pm and ends Saturday @ 3:00pm.
Online registration is required at www.thestreams.org/worship
Registration includes breakfast and lunch Saturday. Our out-of-town Prayer Line members and others unable to attend in person will be able to register and view with a special livestream passcode issued upon registration. The syllabus for the Worship Weekend will also be included in the 5-day Prayer Journal.
In HIS service,
Pastor A. Thomas Hill