Dear Streams Church Member:
I awakened a couple of Sundays ago with a prompting in my spirit from 1 Thessalonians 5:12; “Know them which labor among you …”.
As we have progressed through the war of 2020, with insurmountable sicknesses and deaths from COVID-19, the distance it’s brought among our church family, and the continuous chaos and confusion seething from the seat of our government, the pastor-shepherd in me is heavy with the present condition (physically, mentally, and spiritually) of each of our members. The weight that a shepherd carries for his sheep is not easily comprehended by the average person, however, it’s a calling that requires tough skin and resilience that can only be gained from the Holy Spirit through constant prayer and faith.
A few weeks ago, I shared with our leadership team another prompting the Holy Spirit breathed concerning the church. Two words: “Roll Call!” I shared with the team Joshua’s roll call to the people he was charged to lead in Joshua 24:15. Because of the mixed emotions and mindsets of the people who had been influenced by the thoughts, opinions and actions of others, Joshua was led to roll call. He called for them individually to make a choice of who they would serve, and he cast the first vote: “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!”
Due to the pandemic, it’s been difficult to determine where our members are, not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Because we have limited numbers who feel safe to gather for Sunday worship (and understandably so), we’ve only been able to determine connection through our virtual services (Prayerline, Midweek Study, Wake Up Word, Sunday Livestream). Even with those events, we aren’t aware of your presence unless you respond via sharing or chats.
The third prompting I received this morning was from Hebrews 13:17: “Obey them that have the rule over you … for they watch for your souls.” I had to ask the question, “who am I watching over?” How do I know they’re still a part of the sheepfold? Besides hearing from you via media services, email or text messages, the only other way we know you’re still connected is through your giving. Apart from any of the above means – we just don’t know.
We are living in the last and final days, and the Bible warns and admonishes us clearly as to how we should prepare. As I take my task as a pastor seriously, it is necessary for a “roll call”. As life tests and trials continue to attack our families, we want to be sure who we’re covering (and even moreso, who wants to be covered).
Here is our next step as we enter into 2021: Operation Roll Call
1. All individuals currently in our membership database as members will receive a text, email or mailed letter with the above content and the question of covenant.
2. Everyone in receipt will be asked to either respond online or by phone as to their covenant commitment to the ministry of The Streams Church.
a. Online Covenant Renewal Form (below):
b. By Phone: Text STREAMS to 77411 (press the “Covenant 2021” button)
c. By Phone: Dial (317) 280-8077 . Ext 0. Leave voicemail with one of the covenant renewal responses listed on form below.
3. No response by January 31, 2021 (or no record of giving over past 30 days) will be assumed as an unwillingness to continue in covenant with The Streams Church.
It is our hope and prayer that you continue to covenant with us, especially during these turbulent and questionable times. A good start would be connecting with our 14 Days of Consecration (January 4-17, 2021). We need to all start the new year on the same spiritual level and mindset as God is “Shifting The Atmosphere” for a victorious and prosperous year in The Streams. As we pray for personal renewal and refreshment, we are also believing God for breakthroughs in 2021 for a harvest of FHI (fresh, hungry converts), a permanent home for our church and a strong army of Christian soldiers committed to the cause. We confess Nehemiah’s testimony: “So we built the wall … for the people had a mind to work” (Nehemiah 4:6).
Should, however, you make a decision to do otherwise, I urge you to seek shelter under the covering of – not just another church – but a pastor and shepherd who truly cares for their sheep. We have been tested, but the real test is upon us, and those families without a true covering will be impacted the most. Please take heed – darkness is overtaking Egypt, but we remain productive in the light of Goshen! (Exodus 10:22-23).
With Sincere Love & Care,
Pastor A. Thomas Hill